Lifetime Buy Spares Estimate
This tool forecasts the number of spare parts needed to support a system through the end of anticipated system useful life based on characteristics about the population of fielded units, current
depot inventory levels and unit repairability. The tool is intended to provide a long range forecasting estimate of the number of spare parts that should be procured near-term to support a given number
of field operating units (nf); therefore, it takes as input a time frame of years and ignores any short term shortages that may arise during the time window when units are repaired and restocked to depot inventory.
It also does not take into account any degradation that may occur with depot inventory units over long periods of time.
Calculation Inputs:
Featured Reference:
Asset Management Excellence: Optimizing Equipment Life-Cycle Decisions
Toolkit Home
- United States Air Force Rome Laboratory Reliability Engineer's Toolkit (1993).
- Bazovsky, Igor, Reliability Theory and Practice.
- Campbell, John D; Jardine, Andrew K.S.; McGlynn, Joel Asset Management Excellence: Optimizing Equipment Life-Cycle Decisions.
- Slater, Phillip Spare Parts Inventory Management: A Complete Guide to Sparesology.
- Slater, Phillip Smart Inventory Solutions.
- Houtum, Geert-Jan van; Kranenburg, Bram Spare Parts Inventory Control under System Availability Constraints.
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